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Charter Flights in Costa Rica: the What and Why of Chartering Flights

When you’re planning an adventure trip to Costa Rica, one of the first things on your mind is how you will get around the country.

You could rent a car and drive yourself from place to place, or you could take a charter flight. If you’ve never taken a charter flight before, it might seem like something only famous people can do. After all, who has that kind of money? Well, not everyone but you don’t have to be famous (or filthy rich) to take advantage of this service. Charter flights in Costa Rica are affordable for anyone looking for a more convenient and stress-free way to see the country. They are also much more eco-friendly than renting a car and driving everywhere because they use planes instead of cars. But how do you choose which company to book with? Here are some tips:

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What is a Charter Flight?

A charter flight is a pre-scheduled flight that is booked in advance by a group of people travelling together. They are more expensive than commercial flights because they are non-commercial. Unlike commercial flights, you can choose a specific flight that fits your schedule. Commercial airlines use planes for scheduled flights and for chartered flights. Their planes have a range that allows them to fly to almost any destination. When you booking charter flights in Costa Rica, you are hiring a private airplane or other type of aircraft. You can choose from different types of aircraft, including larger jets, smaller private jets, turboprops, or helicopters. Charter companies often have several types of aircraft available, so you can choose the one best suited for your travel needs.


Traffic Jams in Costa Rica
A Typical Traffic Jam in Route 27. Costa Rica

Why choosing Charter Flights in Costa Rica?

If you have a brand new baby, are travelling with a large group, or have mobility issues that prevent you from taking a commercial flight, you might want to consider a charter flight. Or maybe you would just like to avoid the long lines and chaotic airports that come with commercial travel. And if you’re travelling with someone who is elderly and/or disabled, or a child too young to take a commercial flight unsupervised, a charter flight might be a good option. If you are travelling during a peak travel season, you might want to consider a charter flight as well. This is especially true if you are travelling with a large group of people who want to avoid the crowds. You might also want to consider a charter flight if you have a tight schedule. You can travel directly from your departure point to your destination, without having to stop and connect with other flights.


What to Look for in a Costa Rica Charter Company?

When it comes to booking a charter flight, you will most likely have to go with a commercial charter company. This can be a daunting task since there are so many to choose from. After all, every commercial charter company claims to be the best. So how do you actually decide which one is the best for you?

  • First, you should know what to look for and what things to avoid.
  • Look at the company’s track record.
  • Has it been in business for a long time?
  • Are there reviews you can read about it?
  • What do the people say?
  • Are the Pilots Well Trained?
  • Check for the Condition of the Aircraft (Most of Costa Rican Airplanes are old and not well Mantained).
  • The best charter companies have a long history of providing excellent service. Look for a company that has a lot of experience doing business in Costa Rica.


Nosara Airstrip
Our Fleet Member in Nosara

Benefits of Charter Flying between Airline Flying

Booking your own flight gives you the luxury of a first-class trip, plus a level of privacy and convenience that no commercial trip allows.

  • Flexibility
    • When you book a flight with a regular commercial airline, you have to tailor your schedule based on flight availability. When you charter a plane for your private use, however, you get to be at the helm of your itinerary.
  • Privacy
    • This is probably one of the greatest advantages of chartering a plane. Whether you are discussing private matters or simply want seclusion, having your own private aircraft affords unbeatable privacy.
  • Time Saving
    • When you charter a private aircraft, you take the hassle out of flying. Not only do you not need to arrive at the airport 2 hours early, but you also get to skip the crowded waits for departure. your flight schedule can accommodate to your itinerary and not the other way around. And once on board, you are able to enjoy great views and start your vacation trip like a champ.
  • Chartering lets you travel with more comfort
    • A commercial flight often carries with it a colorful crowd of distressed infants with their overwrought parents, boisterous backpackers, and even the occasional drunk passenger. Flying privately means not having to deal with all that.

How to Book Charter Flights in Costa Rica?

Booking a charter flight is similar to booking a flight on an airline. You will want to find a company that serves Costa Rica. You can follow the following steps to book a flight with us.


  1. Visit our Website
  2. Fill out the form with the required information
    1. Pick Up Place and Date
    2. Pax Qty
    3. Contact Info
    4. Any Aditional Requirement you may have
  3. Accept Terms and Conditions
  4. Click on Get a Quote Now
  5. Check for your email. Details and Prices will be send to your email.

If you decide to book the flight, we will block the date for you. Payment can be done in advance (Bank Transfer or Credit Card) or the day of the flight, with Credit Card or Cash.

Bell 206 Helicopter
Our Fleet Member

Tips on Finding the Right Company

When you’ve found a few charter companies that serve Costa Rica, you will want to investigate them further. Make sure they are properly licensed. You can do this by asking them about the Operation Certificate issued by the DGAC (Costa Rica Aviation Administration Office). You can use social media to find people who have used these companies before and ask them about their experience.

Remember, when booking a charter flight in Costa Rica, VIP Heli Services is the best option for you.

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